Friday, August 13, 2010

NFL Hank wants another baby with Wife Kendra Wilkinson! + She says NO!

Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett was in complete shock the other day when her hubby Hank Baskett called her up and said, “I want you pregnant.”
Here’s the deal: “Yeah, about baby No. 2, we’re talking about it,” Kendra explained to. “Hank the other day just freaking called me and was like ‘I want another baby. I want you pregnant.’ ”
“I was like oh my God!” she recalled. “I was like get Eddie, who is my assistant, on the phone right now with my OBGYN. I need an IUD put in now!”
While she may have some nerves, Kendra is getting ready for baby No. 2!
“I definitely want to try by next summer for sure,” the mom of Hank IV explained. “I want them close in age. Right now all his milestones are starting to happen.”
But now may not be the best time for Kendra and Hank as they’re living in Philadelphia while Hank is at training camp for the Eagles.
“Everything is up in the air. That’s what’s crazy about our lives,” Kendra said. “Hank right now, you know we’re very positive thinkers and he is doing the most amazing job in training camp, but right now we’re like is he going to make the team.”
“We just moved to Philly and anything is possible in the NFL,” she added. “He can get cut tomorrow and be somewhere new.”
But, she hopes that doesn’t happen!
“I love Philly. I’m on a Philly cheesesteak diet right now. It’s actually the best one so far!” Kendra said. “Seriously, a break from my diet is working better than a diet right now.”
She’ll be pregnant soon. Watch!

Vivica Fox and her young boyfriend Slimm are done!

Atlanta club promoter Slimm lets the world know that they are done:
Unfortunately me and Vivica are no longer dating. After 8 months it’s time to go our separate ways. In life you can love and have chemistry with a person but Flaws can sometimes outweigh the relationship. I wish her the best and I know she feels the same.
Wonder what happen…More info to come!

Charles Barkley GOES IN ON Lebron James! + “He pulled A PUNK MOVE!”

Lebron James recently made a statement directed to all haters via his Twitter. The statement was a bold one and only angered people like Charles Barkley a bit more…
“I heard about LeBron’s little tweet today that he’s remembering everybody who said anything bad about him,” Barkley said. “And he said ‘everybody.’ Well, I want him to make sure that he puts my name on that (list) … I thought that his little one-hour special was a punk move. I thought them dancing around on the stage was a punk move, and I thought he should’ve stayed in Cleveland. Him joining Dwyane Wade ’s team was very disappointing to me.”
“He’s got enough people kissing his ass with his family and all the people who work for him,” Barkley said. “We don’t have to tell him what he wants to hear all the time … That one-hour special, them jumping around on stage like punks, that wasn’t cool to me. From a basketball standpoint, I wish he had stayed in Cleveland, and if he takes that as criticism, so be it.” Source
Charles. You know damn well that you would have been on the first plane to Chicago if Mike called your phone…

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mashonda decided to confront Alicia Keys!!!


So last night Mashonda (who is sort of still married to Swizz Beats) decided to confront Alicia Keys on twitter. Alicia was tweeting about love earlier that day and MaShonda felt she was being insensitive to her situation since her divorce to Swizz Beats hasn’t been finalized. So she wrote up a long tweet (using twitlonger) to Alicia and claims she will tweet it every day until she gets a response. Very interesting to me that it was done in a public forum (twitter) however she was very mature about the situation. Check it below:
After having a great evening with my son and enjoying some fun twit chat, I decided to sign off and get some work done. However, a few hours later I was advised that I should check @aliciakeys twit page. I’ve never reached out to her on twitter before. I feel our issues are a lot more serious than a website conversation. Not to mention that I’ve reached out to her many times in the beginning of this whole thing, as any wife would do. Unfortunately, I never succeeded in getting a response. The 1st time I meet AK, my husband introduced us to each other at an event. ( I have no choice but to call him my husband, until he is not anymore) In the messages that I sent to her (AK), I made it very clear that on the contrary of what she might be hearing, I am still married to my husband, living with him and just had a child. Its been two years and I still have not received a response. What I do receive, is constant displays of selfishness and disconcern to me and my son.
I was a fan of AK’s last album, we were both signed to J Records and I always checked up on her projects. I sang her songs and admired her for creating Superwoman and Karma, I would never deny her, her talent. I believed in her until I found out she was possibly sleeping with my husband. The affair was denied by both, until it was finally admitted months later.
Already I can hear some of you saying ” why are u blaming her, You cant make someone leave their wife, You cant break something thats broken”. Well, my marriage was not broken, as far as I knew we were celebrating our sons birth and getting ready to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary . Call it blind love, whatever. I call it being a devoted wife.. As far as me blaming her and not blaming him, thats false. Me and my husband have worked out our differences. We are in a good place as people and as parents. I accept his choices and I am comfortable enough with myself to move on. I am so very blessed in many ways.
My concern with AK is no longer the fact that she assisted in destroying a family but that she has the audacity to make these selfish comments about love and wanting to be with someone, even after knowing their situation. How is this the same Superwoman that I sang out loud with in my truck? I ask myself sometimes.
If you are reading this Alicia, let me start by saying, you know what you did. You know the role you played and you know how you contributed to the ending of my marriage. You know that I asked you to step back and let me handle my family issues. Issues that you helped to create.
Im not saying everything was perfect all the time but no relationship is perfect. We made a vow to God and I believe you should have respected that, as a woman. I know you owe me or my son nothing but I just wish you would’ve handled things more carefully. I’m not judging you, I put you and the whole situation in the hands of God, the Higher Power. Just know that as a woman, I expected so much more from you. I never had intentions on reaching out to you this way but after reading your twits tonight, and the constant disregard, you left me no choice. I feel that after 1 and a half years of you hiding this affair and acting like it doesnt exist, that now is the time to confront it, since you talk so openly about it now
This is not a publicity stunt, I dont have a record coming out. I just need to close this chapter in my life and that means confronting our issues. There is a small child involved. His dad loves him to death and he wants to spend more time with him but hes afraid because he knows we don’t have a relationship. This is my main concern. My son NEEDS his dad and I NEED to be comfortable with you. For him!
I know many will see my point and many will not be able to look into what’s real because they only want to see Alicia Keys the celebrity, not the human. This is not for the “people”, this is for you. Like I said I was left no choice but to reach out to you this way. By now, Im sure you want to find a balance in this as well.
I read your tweets tonight and I felt they were very insensitive. You have no idea how much pain I was caused because of this affair. Its baffling to me that you don’t understand what I might have gone through with this situation. I dont consider myself a victim anymore, Ive learned alot from this! I just ask you to try and be a bit more realistic and delicate to the situation, at least until my divorce is final. I felt me attending the party would have been a starting point for us, since you shook my hand after I offered it, but I suppose I was wrong.
If its so, that you and my husband are meant to be together, then God bless you both and I hope you never have to deal with what I did. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. If you two being together forever is the case, its more of a reason for us to get along, because I’m not going anywhere. Theres a child to be raised.
To answer your tweet, choose smart over spark. Sparks burn everyone, be smart! Its simple actually, just think of the shoe being on the other foot.
Stay blessed and lets work this thing out with respect and dignity.
In case you didn’t know, A. Keys and Mashonda came face to face at Swizz Beats birthday party a little over a week ago but there was no drama as the two shook hands and went on their merry way. MaShonda has been pretty quiet about the situation over the past few months because Swizz Beats sought a gag order to keep her from talking about the divorce proceedings. However Alicia Keys has an album coming out in December, and what perfect timing to jump back on the case for MaShonda.
Now the big question is “Why isn’t the divorce finalized yet?”
With that being said, I hope everything works out for the both of them.
thanks Kelly!

courtesy my favorite blog: necole bitchie

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nike - Never without a Fight

Découverte de la nouvelle campagne Nike Sportswear pour le sweat à capuche Hoody AW 77, avec le rugbyman Maxime Médard. Baptisée “Never without a Fight”, sur une post-production réalisée par ChezEddy et mettant en scène un tatouage animé par les illustrations de Veenom.

Agence : Duke Interactive. Musique : Animalsons. Réalisé par Dan Lowe (The Dark Room / Partizan).

Fifa 2010 Campaign

L’impressionnante campagne de promotion pour le jeu FIFA 2010 vient d’être lancée. Une manière de montrer la force de la communauté entre le football et le jeu-vidéo. Une publicité produite par EA Sports, sur une idée de l’agence Wieden + Kennedy, Amsterdam.



Le jeu est prévu pour le 2 octobre en Europe.